New Web Page is on FaceBook

This page is not the main source of information sharing for the Round Lake High School Band. Please direct to the new band page on FaceBook for the most current event information.!/groups/108097099209410/

Why Music Matters

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day mishap!!

Well, this year was definately an interesting parade experience!! Thanks to all of you bandees and guard girls who showed up and toughed it out. You made the best out of the situation and I thank you!!

I hope everyone has a great summer! Don't forget we'll have some rehearsals starting in July to get ready for next school year and I'd like everyone to participate!! A newsletter will be sent home in June as a reminder.

-Ms. M


jessica's mom said...

I just wanted to say thank you all for letting be help with the contests, games, concerts, hair...ect.
I am so proud of each of you and will miss you very much
Tracie (Jessica's Mom)

muzklmilly said...

We will miss you too!! (You are always welcome to visit us)
-Ms. M