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Why Music Matters

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Winterguard kicks off season at Palatine

Winterguard performed in its first competition of the season on Saturday, January 24th at Palatine High School. The guard competed in the varsity tall flags division against 9 other schools.

Our guard gave a strong performance and shows a lot of promise. We ranked 6th place with a score of 77.6, coming in just behind 5th place Mundelein by 4 points.

The girls are already looking forward to the next competition with a "we can do it" attitude. While riding the bus back to RLHS, they started making plans for the week and positiviely encouraging each other to step up the level of focus in practice.

"The only thing those schools (referring to Palatine and Stevenson) have that we don't are big heads!" says Shelby. "Let's do this. I want to go to state!"

Winterguard competes again next Saturday, January 30, at Schaumburg High School.

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