New Web Page is on FaceBook

This page is not the main source of information sharing for the Round Lake High School Band. Please direct to the new band page on FaceBook for the most current event information.!/groups/108097099209410/

Why Music Matters

Monday, November 24, 2008


Sorry it's been a while since I've posted any news here... a couple of things to share:

1. Jazz band is progressing nicely! We are now rehearsing 2 days a week as a full band and starting to get the "swing" of things.

2. Marching Band pictures are finally printed and will be sent home with kids on Tuesday. Parents should have them in their hands for Thanksgiving.

3. Madrigal Dinner is almost here! We can still use parent volunteers to help out. Please contact Liz Zink or Ms. Moroni if you can work in the kitchen or help with hosting.

Happy Holidays!

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