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Why Music Matters

Sunday, October 14, 2007

You Did it!!

Everyone deserves a great big pat on the back for your performance on Saturday. I am very proud of all of you! Moments like that confirm that it IS all worthwhile, even when we look back on those days when we weren't so sure.

I hope everyone recognizes the reward of the hard work and dedication every member of the band and parents put into this season. It took us 14 weeks - but on Saturday you all came together and met your goals as one band. THAT IS SPECIAL.

Let's enjoy our victory and carry it's motivation into the new activities ahead of us: Concert Band, Madrigal Dinner, Pep Band, and hopefully Jazz Band. Winterguard will be starting soon as well, and I know many of you are anticipating that new activity!

Congrats again! You did it!
-Ms. M

1 comment:

xDustinx said...

Yea we rock. I'm glad that everyone was able to enjoy themselves too, because the hard work has finally paid off.