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Why Music Matters

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Opening Night

Congrats to everyone for making it through our first home game performance. The evening had a lot of good things to focus on. I got many comments on how nice the band looked, lots of nice comments about colorguard and how much they added to the performance. When things all settled in, the band had a good strong sound. We'll take a look at the "booboos" of the evening and address how we can avoid those in the future. Part of marching band is learning from performance and growing over the course of 13 weeks.

We will watch the video from Friday night's game on Tuesday in class. Starting Wednesday we will learn drill for Pink Panther.

Please keep working on music, get stronger on your parts so you can play with more confidence. Memorization is still important!!

Also, I know people were taking pictures - please send photos to me so I can add them to our site!!
Have a good weekend - Ms. M

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